This is blog about a woman serving God and practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic. May all it says be to the glory of God!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic

Hello to all my Dominican Republic blog followers! I thought I would write a little update to all of you to let you know that....I AM RETURNING TO JAIBON!!!!!

On July 15th, I am leaving Oregon to fly back to my second home at the orphanage. I will arrive there early on July 16th. This summer I decided to only stay for 2 weeks in order to enjoy summer life at home and be around for job interviews in August. I am hoping to have a fun-filled reunion with my brothers at the orphanage and hopefully have another chance to teach camps in the local community.

I am excited to go back, but at the same time I know it will be different. I need to remember to go with that mindset so that I am not disappointed. It will not be the same, but it can still be good.

Please pray for me! Here are some ideas of what you can pray for:
1) Safety in travel
2) Health and safety while there
3) Fruitful conversations with the boys at the orphanage
4) Re-connecting with the boys and the community
5) Courage to do the hard things
6) Ability to teach well and organize/manage at the camps
7) That my eyes will be open to needs and my heart will be open to be changed (again)
8) For the boys at the orphanage
9) For the teams serving long term and short term
10) That God will change the Dominican Republic to be a place that glorifies himself!!

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