This is blog about a woman serving God and practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic. May all it says be to the glory of God!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic

I don't really know how to express what this week has been like. The end of it was wonderful, the beginning was the roughest time I have had since I arrived. I know what it is like now to lose someone you love. Before you jump to conclusions, hear me out on my story. Last Sunday was the last time I saw my brother Dorian. I went to church with him and helped him to lead a song. I joked and laughed with him walking back. Later that afternoon I heard that he broke a boy's arm in a fight and got sent back to live with his mom. I will never see him again and I never got to say good-bye. It was this moment that I realized how much I cared about him like a brother. I was heartbroken. I cried for hours. I had invested so much time in him so that he would learn how to read. Now I am afraid that he will never learn. Away from here, there is little hope for him. However, I know he is still in God's care. He was the closest to me and taught me so much. I will always remember what he taught me and who he was and what he meant to me. I didn't think I would be able to go on here, but God pulled me out of the pit and put my purpose back to the forefront and now I am living every day just as before, only more aware that things can change at any given time. Satan had led me to believe that I was only making a difference in Dorian's life, but God has showed me otherwise and I am able to continue. So that is what made the week horrible, yet a good learning time as well. So what made it good? Here are the highlights:

*The new boys, Jeffrey and Remy have changed in the last week. Last week's tears have turned to joy. They are now part of the family and in the healing process. It has been awesome watching the change take place in front of my eyes. Remy fell asleep on my during movie night.

*We got to do another camp with the boys, and I just got to play games with them this week. It was great.

*We got to go back to one of my favorite places to do camp, Damajagua! A beautiful mountain town with people that get so excited to see us. And the kids are so well behaved! The principal of the school hangs out and participates, as do other adults. I'm talking grown men making crowns and coloring pictures. Really cool actually. Never too old to have fun! Also, I challenged myself this week and did crafts. Not my strong suit, but it is where they needed me the most. It was a lot of fun, and actually really relaxing.

*We FINALLY got to take the boys to the beach. We went to the same beach we went to last week, but it was ten times more beautiful and fun with the boys. I carried Remy (5), Imanol (11) and Lolito (12) on my back for hours (not all at the same time). I splashed and chased balls with Jimmy (13)and just swam with a bunch of boys. They were sooo excited. It was awesome watching their faces glued to the window on the way there. So many sights they may have never seen before. And as soon as we got to the beach they were in the water. So much fun!!!

*We got to go to Santo Domingo this week!!!! I loved it so much!! So much history! I hung out in a fort put up by Columbus's crew and walked the first paved street in the Western Hemisphere, and sw the oldest church in the west and so much more! For those who don't know, Santo Domingo is the oldest settlement on this side of the world. Best culture day ever!

*Last Sunday we got to go to church with the boys. It was fun to learn and worship with them, and I understood the whole sermon!!!!!!!!!

*I got to do airport duty today. That means I was in charge of greeting the newbies and answering their questions. I loved it.

You know you are in the DR if...

2 cars can drive side-by-side in the same lane

There is nothing wrong with hanging out with strangers

Your birthday present is having buckets of water dumped on your head.

Thanks for praying!