This is blog about a woman serving God and practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic. May all it says be to the glory of God!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic

Week number 2 is complete!! This week has been much better for me. I am less homesick and enjoying my time here. I am even getting used to the heat and bugs.

Highlights of the Week:
* The week started with a mini Fourth of July celebration. Since we couldn't be at home, the leaders here set up the tables with decorations, and we watched skits and a little video with America the Beautiful and pictures of America and fireworks. Then we ate dulces and helado :D YUM

*One of the projects we worked on this week was sorting through donated books and putting them away in a brand new education room here at the orphanage. It was fun to look through all of the books and get the room started. I really want to have a literacy program for the boys while I am here and use all the awesome books. They really need more Spanish books though..

* I discovered that half of the money I raised to come here goes directly for the boys to attend school. That is so amazing to me, and for those of you that gave to me, that is your gift to these precious boys!

*Our morning camp this week was with the boys here at the orphanage. It was so fun to get to know them better and spend more time with them. They are great.

*After camp on the last day, we gave shoes to all of the boys. It was such a privilege to watch them pick out new tennies just for them.

*I got to spend countless hours this week simply playing games with the boys. They are so special and make every day awesome.

*On Thursday, we were supposed to take the boys to the beach, but their director opted out on it at the last minute. We were all really sad because the boys had been looking forward to it all week. However, we gave them the best day possible. We played Capture the Flag in the morning, and then had a Scavenger Hunt where they had to look for all of us and do something, and then we set up a bunch of mattresses and had them run through sheets, sumo wrestle and just have fun on the mattresses. We ended the day by watching Tarzan on the mattresses and letting them hit a pinata and eat candy. They absolutely loved it, probably more than the beach. Seeing the smiles on their faces and hearing their laughter was the best. I could do it forever.

*This week we had to set up tents for the new groups coming in. I never knew my tent skills would come in handy, but I was one of few that knew how to put up a tent, so I was a team leader and taught my team how to put up 2 successful tents :)

*Our afternoon camp this week was a tiny little church in Laguna Salada. The pastor invited us to her sister's house afterwards and gave us all refreshments. The church was tiny, hot and crowded, but the kids did not care. They were so excited to be there and hang out with us Americanos. I got to teach them English this week, which they get excited about. They would always run out to greet us and wave as we left. The kids here are wonderful. Indescribable really.

*Yesterday we went to Cabarete beach. It was very touristy and very awesome. Warm water, white sands, palm trees. Be jealous :)

One thing that was hard this week was teaching English with a team. I had so many ideas of how and what I wanted to teach, but working with a team is difficult. Also, we only had 3 days to teach them, so I had to keep reminding myself that we were only giving a foundation, not all needed knowledge. Others will come in and cover what we couldn't, and God never leaves them!

Interesting stories of the week:

*I woke up one morning to an announcement that we couldn't take showers until after breakfast because they forgot to fill the water tanks...oops!

*I saved a fellow intern from having to sleep with these large green beetles by taking them off her net one by one and putting them outside.

*On Thursday night, all the girls discovered hundreds of stink bugs in our sleeping room. They were everywhere. Most girls moved out to the tents, but I btaved the bugs and was safe and sound under my mosquito net.

*On Wednesday we had to cut afternoon camp short because a storm was moving in quickly and we didn't want the kids out in the lightening. It poured and lightenined and thundered for hours...but it was so cool at night that we were wearing sweatshirts and pants....AMAZING!!! :)

You know you are in the DR if...

You get pushed out of the way on the street.

You get cut in line.

You take showers with very large spiders.

You eat a lot of rice, chicken, eggplant, yucca and plantains.

Thanks for praying!!

For the record,
I h ave swallowed every pill so far with no problems!!!! Praise God!!

Please pray for me, the kids I reach, the other interns and the boys at the orphanage.

Muchisimas gracias para todos!!