This is blog about a woman serving God and practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic. May all it says be to the glory of God!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Practicing pure and faultless religion in Jaibon, Dominican Republic

Well, this week has been very different. Only about 20 people here, and we didn't get to teach any camps this week. On the plus side, I had a lot of time to spend with my brothers this week. Here's what the week looked like:

*We did one or two work projects around the orphanage every day. Some of them included: weeding the orchard and creating a path, painting the bathrooms and ramadas, picking up trash along the road, taking down tents and praying for the orphans and the orphanage. It was hard work in the hot sun and it really wore me out. I would much rather be working with kids and building relationships.

*We got to do activities and games with the boys every morning and did a little mini-camp with them in the afternoon. I was part of the group that did "education". We did math, science, bracelet making and bingo to practice numbers. My favorite was the science because we did the floating test as to whether something would float or not. They loved it. The little boys liked playing with the water too...that got interesting and made quite the mess....oh boys...

*During one of the work projects, the boys were gardening next to us as we were also gardening. They were teasing us and then they started to sing as they worked. It was really fun to see and was awesome working alongside my family.

*I have been tutoring the 11 year old on how to read just about everyday. It is really fun for me, but frustrating at times too because I have to start from the very beginning. He doesn't even know the difference between sounds and letters and words. Step by step though, he is going to be able to do it. I have complete faith in him to have a successful future.

*The boys have officially decided that I am worthy of playing in beating me up and climbing on my back. And, I have an announcement to make: I am officially Dominican. I passed the tests. I was able to climb up the swing set, among other things. Now I really belong :D

*Yesterday we went to Punta Rusia, another Caribbean-ish beach. I was turquoise and clear, and shallow very far out. It was wonderful, but once again I am sunburnt :(

*This week the orphanage received 2 new boys. They are brothers and have looked sad all week. The older boy holds on to his brother and just cries. It breaks my heart. But I am glad that they are here, this is a good, healing place to be. We are doing our best to bring them into the family and go out of our way to include them.

You know you are in the DR if...
people water the ground with hoses...sometimes even in the rain.

the side of the highway is a perfectly good hangout spot.

hanging out in your underwear...or not unusual.

you are waved at by people standing along the road while in a bus.